Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Marsha Linehan


justher said...

Great talk, great woman. Made many notes - there's no much meat here I/ anyone could go almost anywhere in various directions.

However, as these things go, I find myself focusing at close on a particular topic mentioned in passing right at the end - a specific area of confusion, I hope (without much hope) that someone knowledgeable can reply.

Discussion of DBT effectiveness by Axis I disorder groups.

There appears to be a contradiction between what Dr. Linehan said verbally and what the charts show in regards to the efficacy of CBT in treating substance abuse.
Per chart, the highest efficacy shown was for “substance dependence disorders” (87% - highest),
Next best “Major Depression”, 68%
Eating Disorders 64%
and Anxiety Disorders were least responsive to this intervention . Nb. that Dr. Linehan added that it WAS effective “when Anxiety was specifically targeted” . Percentiles, 40s and 30s. This remark wasn’t elaborated - e.g what does the chart illustrate in areas of anxiety? (What’s more, audience heads blocked reading of what appear to be several disorder groups).

However, Dr. Linehan SAID CBT was poorest at dealing with Substance abuse - qualifying that by adding (paraphrase) that perhaps for increments of improvement, it wasn’t cost-effective.

How does this jibe with the chart which shows showing substance abuse to be THE most responsive treatment group? What’s true?

justher said...

There appear to be problems in post attibutiont - maybe more.

You are listing my (previous) comment as from "justher" . What's more, I see there is another comment - absent - said to be from a Stephen Parks Bell.

Where did this assigned name come from? Is it, in fact, ME?

And are there other comments which are not showing up, such as the one I referenced?

(Let's see to whom THIS one is attributed!)