Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sunada has an interesting article on being an introvert by a meditator on a meditation website called Wildmind.

She lists the positive qualities of an introvert as, "We know how to slow down, take a deep breath, and smell the proverbial roses. We usually pause and reflect before we speak – so when we do have something to say, it tends to be meaningful. We’re conscientious and loyal. And though we may have small circles of friends, our friendships are strong and deep. In a world where many are feeling overwhelmed by busyness and disappointed by superficiality, how could these qualities not be valuable?"

1 comment:

Sunada said...

I found this article today on the same topic as what I wrote about in Wildmind -- thought you might find it interesting.

“Caring for Your Introvert” by Jonathan Rauch (