Sunday, December 30, 2007

adult homes

I used to work at an agency that serviced people living in an adult home. There's an article in the Times about them. I'm divided. On the one hand, I want everyone to have better housing. On the other hand, I don't have as nice of a place as I would like, and we've got two incomes. One line is more generous, the other more realistic? I say treat everyone well. I think housing is messed up on NYC. I think the government need to do more to make affordable housing available--I think because the projects didn't work that we gave up. Well, why end it there? What happened to Section 8, sprinkling the poverty throughout the city? Nope, that's not fair. A poor person can live next to a rich person. I would want that leg up, but not if I can't get it as a working family. We're so afraid of giving people something they "don't deserve." Who's to say what people deserve? Why not make nice affordable housing, subsidize housing, and do other creative and innovative programs, to raise the level of housing all around? What we do have is a mess, that is allowed to happen. I'm sure I could study this more and learn more and more about how to get more, and how others are taken advantage of, but my basic feeling would stand--I want better housing for everyone. And yet, it's human nature to want more. I'm pretty content with where I am.


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